Town Heart Recap!

We've heard that some people had connection issues so apologize for any hassle! And really appreciate how many of you tuned in to chat today.

Typically we write up a brief recap but this was quite a long meeting and we covered SO much info.
Here are the main topics that we covered (in order-ish) if you want to skip through to any particular sections:
  • Current state of Ave (Sales, Growth, etc)
  • Growing pains (specifically shipping and support)
  • Positioning Ave for the future (margins, pricing, Judy Blue pricing, sell through, sample pricing)
  • Preorders (challenges and future plans)
  • Creative topics (descriptions, styling, models, etc)
  • Buying (styles, number of launches, etc)
  • Facebook community groups
We hope that throughout this entire discussion you guys truly did feel the love! Our team is passionate and dedicated to serving your businesses. We don't take it for granted that you've chosen to partner with us and appreciate you so much!
Find the replay HERE!